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25 Most Repeated MCQS of English Literature and Linguistics with Answers and Explanations

Solved MCQs with Answer Keys and Explanations ''25 Most Repeated  MCQS of English Literature and Linguistics''       1. Name the English poet of the 18th century whose works included Rape of the Lock, Dunciad, and Essay on Man? A.     Nelson Mandela B.     Winston Churchill C.     Alexander Pope D.     None of these                             Explanation:                          Alexander Pope, (born May 21, 1688, London, England—died May 30, 1744, Twickenham, near London), a poet and satirist of the English Augustan period, best known for his poems An Essay on Criticism (1711), The Rape of the Lock (1712–14), The Dunciad (1728), and An Essay on Man (1733–34). 2.  Who wrote ‘The Colossus in 1960? A.     Chinua Achebe B.  ...


"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" - Helen keller

         One of the most remarkable phenomena of our times is globalization. World's cultures and religions have come closer in an unprecedented way. Internet and social media are both the products and catalysts of globalization. It has transformed the lives of mankind and opened up the gates of new opportunities and challenges. While globalization has offered countless benefits and opportunities, it has at the same time created problems of national identity, cultural preservation, religious clashes, and economic issues. To live together in a globalized world, the international community must promote a dialogue of civilizations instead of a clash of civilizations. Responsibilities must be fulfilled at international, state and social levels. A global village can be a blessing only when we solve the problems arising as a byproduct of globalization.

        The world as a global village is facing a myriad of problems. Several issues hinder the way of a truly globalized world. The idea of a clash of civilizations is perhaps the biggest challenge both at a theoretical and practical level. World cultures are increasingly getting at odds with each other and we can see increasing evidence of the old theory of cultures clashing for a different set of identities. This civilizational clash is sometimes for religious or nationalist identity and at times for preserving state security and economic interests. Furthermore, the stereotypical image of a particular religious, cultural or ethnic group adds more fuel to the fire of hatred and division. World religions have developed certain stereotypes, often negative, about other religions and their followers. This only creates problems and only makes the work of reconciliation difficult.

"Racism isn't born. It's taught. Racism is the refuge of the ignorants"

         Immigration is truly a byproduct of globalization and a global village concept of the world. Millions of people migrated and are still migrating towards wealthier countries in search of a job and good living standards. While the phenomenon of immigration had solved the economic problems of the third world to a considerable extent, it has created a number of cultural and social problems in host countries. People are increasingly wary of their demographic identity, cultural values, economic interests and social place in the presence of immigrants. This is an issue at the core of the idea of a global village.

           Economic issues underscore again the challenges to a global village concept. When countries came closer, serious economic interests fuel a fierce competition. Further, trade has also gone global and with that, there is an increased urge among countries to safeguard and preserve their economic interest in an increasingly competitive world. Moreover, the increased number of immigrants has created problems for local populations regarding jobs and resource allocation.

"Achievement has no color"
           Racial and ethnic differences cause another set of challenges to present world order. Different racial groups and ethnic populations are sensitive about their respective identities. This sometimes goes to the level where they become an agent of division rather than of inclusion. They increased insistence, on local identity and resulting behaviors are a major problem to present the idea of a global and integrated village.

         A recent phenomenon that has upset the idea of an integrated world is terrorism. Religious and nationalist terrorism has created a lot of misunderstandings among different cultures, religions and also countries. It has increased the trend of viewing others through stereotypical lenses. When a small number of terrorists create havoc, the whole culture or religion is blamed for their actions. This certainly is unjustified, but existing in geopolitical order.
"Killing one innocent is killing all of humanity"- Holy Quran
           All these issues and problems for the idea of the global village are real and the world must accept them in order to solve them. Perhaps, the idea of a dialogue of civilizations is helpful at both theoretical and practical levels.The international community must collectively associate itself with a dialogue of civilizations is helpful at both theoretical and practical level. The international community must collectively associate itself with a dialogue of civilizations that give the necessary platform for pluralistic ideas, beliefs, and people to share their common good, while at a practical level, it offers the solutions to those problems which the current global order of the world is experiencing. The idea of dialogue among civilizations can be excluded from dialogue among religions, ethnic groups, and even the countries.
          It can bridge the gap between different and seemingly divergent views and identities. It can give the platform to live in peace while keeping in place the respective identities. It is an international responsibility to promote and encourage dialogue rather than stereotypical interpretation. United Nations is perhaps the most suitable institution for this. It can promote the dialogue among Islam and Christianity, Islam and Hinduism, China and America, Russia and America, or among other small ethnic and racial groups. This is the real job of the United Nations to bridge the gaps and make this world a truly integrated village.
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world"- Mahatma Gandhi
          The promotion of a culture of multiculturalism is another international responsibility. With the increased level of exposure among the cultures, the idea of multiculturalism is central to many solutions to the existing problems. It should be made part of education and state narrative. Nations around the world must find those ways which can ensure a multicultural and pluralist society. Again, the United Nations can play a pivotal role in it. As a vanguard of world countries, it can give the necessary road map for member countries to help them cultivate the idea of multiculturalism. Only by introducing and practicing this idea a dream of a global village can be truly materialized but this dream needs some other actions also for its materialization. Apart from international responsibilities, there are some state-related tasks that are important for building an integrated society.
           Firstly, governments around the world must join hands to devise a solution for the issue of immigration. Immigrants must be dealt with according to an agreed-upon law between states. Streamlining and integration of immigrants must be done while addressing the concerns of natives. Moreover, the issues related to economics must offer jobs to immigrates, but not at the cost of unemployment of natives. Third world countries must also work to check their people migrating to developed countries. It is the responsibility of both developed and developing countries to chalk out such an economic model that protects the interests of both the immigrants and natives. Developing countries can reduce the number of people migrating towards developed countries by introducing structural reforms at home.

         Countries and governments around the world have a shared responsibility to act against terrorism of all sorts. This should not be tolerated as it brings a lot of distrust and misconceptions among the people and reduces the prospects of reconciliation and integration. Countries must take terrorism as a common enemy and must cooperate at all levels to ensure their defeat. Only by doing so, the governments can have a pluralist, integrated and tolerant society which is very much the essence of a global village.
"I have a vision of the world as a global village, a world without boundaries"
        Government actions are necessary, but they should be coupled with the social responsibilities being realized and fulfilled. Societies are the melting pot of different cultures. They have the real and primary job to ensure pluralism, respect of divergent views and a sense of integration among various groups. In this regard, societies must always find common grounds among divergent groups. They should focus more on similarities rather than differences.

         While finding common grounds, societies must also reject the voices of hatred and division. They must not allow anyone to tarnish their pluralistic and inclusive image. There are people and groups who raise the differences and negativities among the native population about the foreign elements. These voices must be rejected. Societies must act against the ideas of hatred, division, and segregation. These groups should not be allowed to fulfill their nationalistic or ethnic interests while damaging the fabric of society. The idea of a global village is a fascinating one. It carries a lot of optimism with it. It can be an engine of fast growth. But it demands a larger sense of responsibility at international, state and social levels. The world is now a globalized whole and this phenomenon can't be stopped. It is only by a pluralist, inclusive and tolerant mindset that the world can materialize these benefits associated with globalization.

            The world should opt for dialogue rather than clash, reconciliation rather than confrontation and cooperation rather than alienation. We all should opt for this because the alternative to this is very horrible. It is only through respecting others values', promoting civil liberties and building a moderated and pluralistic society that the idea of a global village can truly be materialized.

"The man who says he can and the man who says he can't are both correct"- Confucius


  1. You are such a talented guy, how beautifully you depicted each line. "Racism isn't born. It's taught" great saying ♥️

    1. JazakAllah Mishel. It mean's a lot when it is coming from my peer :)

  2. Touchy diction, Remarkable portraying and incomparable content 👌🏻

  3. Beautifully conveyed a beautiful concept

  4. Globalization is a rampant phenomenon which has been continued for decades now. It is inevitable for states, societies and even individuals to remain aloof from it, and the forces and processes it unleashed. In order to cater to its dynamics, we have to devise such policies that are in our interests.
    Secondly, the concept of civilization is nothing but stereotyping at a mega level. Every so-called civilization is torn apart internally by petty national interests. It is because, in international politics national interests trump and there is no place for morality. So, the notion of dialogue among civilizations holds little practical value in this epoch of beggar-my-neighbor policies pursued by states.
    Moreover, the issue of immigration is hyped-one because globalization renders a level-playing field for all the actors involved.

    1. Rightly said.Your statements are making sense but we can pray and work for it because it seems, we can't expect any positive alteration from the current government as the current setup is so messed up into the holes of shallowness that are dig by themselves.


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