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25 Most Repeated MCQS of English Literature and Linguistics with Answers and Explanations

Solved MCQs with Answer Keys and Explanations ''25 Most Repeated  MCQS of English Literature and Linguistics''       1. Name the English poet of the 18th century whose works included Rape of the Lock, Dunciad, and Essay on Man? A.     Nelson Mandela B.     Winston Churchill C.     Alexander Pope D.     None of these                             Explanation:                          Alexander Pope, (born May 21, 1688, London, England—died May 30, 1744, Twickenham, near London), a poet and satirist of the English Augustan period, best known for his poems An Essay on Criticism (1711), The Rape of the Lock (1712–14), The Dunciad (1728), and An Essay on Man (1733–34). 2.  Who wrote ‘The Colossus in 1960? A.     Chinua Achebe B.  ...

50 amazing things about the world you should know

  1.  Gautama Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal.
  2.  ORBIS is a Mobile Eye Hospital.
  3.  Turkey was called “Sick man of Europe”.
  4.  “Sick man of Europe” is a title given to any European state which is going through economic difficulty. This term was used in 19th century in order to address the Ottoman Empire.
  5.  The secret agencies of Israel are MOSAD and AMAN.
  6.  ‘Greek Revolution’ stands for Rapid increase in agricultural productivity.
  7.  Homer was the greatest poet of the Greek.
  8.  Leonardo da Vinci painted the portrait of Mona Liza.
  9.  A place where government record are kept is called Archives.
  10.  Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa.
  11.  In the 9/11 attacks, South tower of the world Trade center in New York was hit by United  Airlines flight 175.
  12.  A place where birds are kept is called Aviary.
  13.  Cambodia is called the Land of Pagoda.
  14.  One liter of water is equivalent to .90 Kg.
  15.  A place where bees are kept is called Apiary.
  16.  William Wordsworth said, “Child is the father of man”.
  17.  European Union is the new name of European Community.
  18.  Ronald is the name of the clown of the fast food giant McDonald.
  19.  Leaning tower is located in Italy.
  20.  Hamlet is cluster of houses in a village.
  21.  The war criminals of the II world war were put to trail in Nuremberg.
  22.  The oldest monarchy in the world is that of Japan.
  23.  An impossible state of society is called Utopia.
  24.  Zionism is the national movement of the Jews.
  25.  The parliament of Japan is known as Diet.
  26.  Cryptography is a branch of science which deals with Secret writing.
  27.  Kashagar is the famous city of China.
  28.  Indigo is a Tree in India.
  29.  Triple ‘KKK’ (Ku Klux Klan) is a terrorist organization made against black race in USA.
  30.  Sphygmomanometer is used to measure Blood pressure.
  31.  The constitution 1973 of Pakistan has 280 articles.
  32.  NAMA is a space agency of Nigeria.
  33.  Dove is the symbol of Peace.
  34.  “Pride and Prejudice” is written by Jane Austen.
  35.  The USA consists of 50 states.
  36.  The Famous book “Jinnah of Pakistan” is written by Stanley Wolpert.
  37.  The leading world banking Center is Zurich.
  38.  The statue of liberty in New York is the highest statue of the world with the height of 152  feet.
  39.  Chancellor is the head of the state in Germany and Austria.
  40.  Japanese language is written from top to bottom and from left to right.
  41.  The two cities referred to in Charles Dickens “A Tale of Two cities” are London and Paris.
  42.  In a rainbow, Yellow color comes between orange and green.
  43.  In terms of followers Islam ranks second in the world religions.
  44.  Pentagon is the military head quarter of USA.
  45.  Australians are known as Kangaroos and people of New Zealand are called Kiwis while  South Africans are known as Proteas.
  46.  Hippocratic is regarded as the father of medicines.
  47.  Oxford is Britain’s oldest university.
  48.  Taxila ancient city is known as “Pearl of Gandhara Civilization”.
  49.  The queen (or king) of UK must be by faith of Protestant.
  50.  “K” in word ‘Pakistan’ stands for Kashmir.


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  4. Great piece of Information.Thank you


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