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25 Most Repeated MCQS of English Literature and Linguistics with Answers and Explanations

Solved MCQs with Answer Keys and Explanations ''25 Most Repeated  MCQS of English Literature and Linguistics''       1. Name the English poet of the 18th century whose works included Rape of the Lock, Dunciad, and Essay on Man? A.     Nelson Mandela B.     Winston Churchill C.     Alexander Pope D.     None of these                             Explanation:                          Alexander Pope, (born May 21, 1688, London, England—died May 30, 1744, Twickenham, near London), a poet and satirist of the English Augustan period, best known for his poems An Essay on Criticism (1711), The Rape of the Lock (1712–14), The Dunciad (1728), and An Essay on Man (1733–34). 2.  Who wrote ‘The Colossus in 1960? A.     Chinua Achebe B.  ...

Concept of Sects in the light of Holy book

"O My Allah! Let the sun of our life set in Madinah -Ameen"

Common questions asked by Muslims, Christians, Atheists, and Hindus about the different sects of Islam are as follow;            

  1.  What is Shia in Islam?
  2. What is Wahhabi in Islam?
  3. What is Sunni in Islam?
  4. Are you a Deobandi or Barelvi?  
  5. What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims?
  6.  Why Shia Muslims are given less importance?
  7.  It was said Saddam Hussain (President of Iraq) has spread a chemical gas on the Shia’s Muslim. He has done more cruelties on Shia’s in comparison to Hitler on Jews in WWII?
  8.  Is Islamic principles and teachings promote anyone in making new sects?
  9.  Which Imam are you following, whether Imam Shafi, Imam Hambal, Imam Malik or Imam Abu Hanifa?

           The first and foremost important thing mentioned in the Holy Book is that there is no concept of Shia and Sunni in Islam. In the Holy book, God clearly tells in Surah Ale ‘Imran Chapter 3, Verse. 103 which states,” And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided”. A believer has to hold the rope of Allah and the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH). If you hold to them, you are a true Muslim.

"By reading this sentence, you can enter into the folds of Islam"


         Many people from other religions including some Muslims often ask about the Hanfi, Malki, Shafi, and Wahabi. What are they? Are they different schools of thoughts in Islam or sects?
        The answer to these questions is very simple, these are schools of interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence or Islamic law within the broader Umbrella of the Sunni following. Sunni’s basically following the life example of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and there are around 85 % of Sunni Muslims across the globe.
         How do you exactly follow Muhammad (SAW)? What did he do on certain occasions and sometimes, there is difference in interpretations because there are different reports about what he did, then there were great scholars in the past who had to sift all of these reports and think what general practice of Prophet (PBUH) was and what was exceptional practice that varies, according to the situation. What does this mean and what is the implication. What were precedents set and how we interpret those precedents? So, there were many great teachers in the past but among them, four have emerged with a large number of followers. So they came to be known as the founders of four schools of Islamic jurisprudence. Though, they did not intend themselves to found schools but so they come to be remembered Ahmad bin Hanbal, Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, and Anas Bin Malik.
"May Allah fulfills everyone's dreams"
          These schools of thoughts were so largely followed that in certain areas that were known that it becomes adopted as state law where Muslims were the majority in ruling power and Muslims became comfortable in those regions following those schools but nowadays, our cosmopolitan centers, we have people representing all different schools in a single mosque. There is a slight variation in the style of offering Salah (Offering prayer's) in comparison to one another that creates tensions and misunderstandings but when we see the bigger picture and realize that all four schools have equal legitimacy in Islamic history. Muslims tolerate and respect each other’s sentiments but sometimes people want to get to the bottom of the issues and they want to readdress and debate all over again while some think there is no need to debate on these points. Some people also think that we can still get back to the bottom of things and we should. The pure example is that of Prophet (PBUH) himself and we should seek that example and try to reconstitute the matter all over again. We need to address the modern questions arising not classical issues. It’s necessary for us to go back to original sources of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (Peace be upon him).

              People all over the world are following these four schools but there are certain issues that need to be address and certified. The best way to lead a balanced life in the perspective of Islamic values and practices is to follow Quran-e-Pak and genuine teachings of Prophet (PBUH) as there are no basic questions one can ask regarding the Holy book and Prophet (PBUH).

Best way to enter in Islam is to read Holy book.

              The holy book is not a book of science but a book of signs. There are 6666 signs in the Holy book which address to the every basic problem of mankind as it the most complete book in the entire human kind. If you want to follow and practice the message of Quran-e-Pak, one should study and examines the life of Prophet (PBUH).

              There is no need to get indulge in the matter of different sects. One should always be clear and have complete faith in the oneness of Almighty Allah. These multifarious sects are formed by the people who are not true Muslims rather offenders and hypocrites. The divisions are prohibited in Islam. Therefore in order to live a happy and prosperous life one should always aim for the Paradise because a true Muslim knows this world is merely an illusion and a test for them which they have to pass in order to secure heaven, permanently.

 Holy Book about Sects
           Quran says in Surah Al An’aam Chapter.6 Verse. 159, “Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah; then He will inform them about what they used to do.

Most beautiful feeling ever

            Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said that there will be 73 sects in Islam and out of that, only one will go into paradise. Those who follow the Holy book and authentic teachings of Prophet (Peace be upon him). Quran clearly mentions that don’t make sects but people will make 73 sects. The one who will be on the true path is the one who is not going to make any sects.

The word Muslim means a person who submits his will to God.
  •        What was Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him)?
  •        Was He (PBUH) Shia?
  •      Was He (SAW) Sunni?

                Allah says in Surah Al ‘Imran Chapter 3 V.64, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."

If you want to judge whether the Muslim is right or wrong. What do you do? You should simply check with the Holy book of Quran. Let him call him Ammar, Muhammad, Ibn-e-Ali or Jahangir. There is no problem. You check it with the Quran and teachings of Prophet (PBUH). If he goes against the Quran and the teachings of Sahih al-Bukhari, Trimizi Shareef and the rest of the four books of Sahih Hadiths. He is not a true Muslim. A true Muslim will always follow the Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

One should simply ask people who are following any particular sect in Islam. Where is the word Shia or Sunni mentioned in the Quran? Are they following the teachings of Prophet (SAW) or Holy Book of Allah? Allah clearly mentions in Surah Al An’aam that anyone who makes sects or divisions in Islam. You have nothing to do with him. Anyone who divides the religion of Islam is strictly prohibited by Allah. Just by calling Muslims names like Abdullah or Imran will not take you to Paradise but following the authentic teachings of Holy Book and Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

There are following points which a true Muslim should observe and follow;
  1.  Take every day as a chance to become a better Muslim.      
  2.  Be aware of the hypocrites around you. As they are always in disguise and can tempt you towards falsehood.
  3.  Don’t get into the pricks of Satan. Satan has the ability to inculcate the immoral and mischievous things in our minds. Recite “AUZU BILLA” on a regular basis.
  4.   Self-accountability is a must. One should always examine his/her activities on a daily basis.    
  5.   Don’t become the slave of your logic as it is not possible for an individual to be on the right track apart from Almighty Allah.
  6.   Be flexible and easy-going but don’t get distracted from the path of virtue.
  7.   Consider each word of the Holy book as the verbatim of God that has been revealed to Prophet (PBUH). Try to understand and analyze the message of the Quran in order to become a truly practicing Muslim.
  8.   A Muslim should tolerate, understand the feelings, emotions, and sentiments of other people.
  9.   Respect and be tolerant concerning your parents, elders, siblings, teachers, peers, and neighbors.
"Emotional and beautiful bond in the making"

A Muslim should always follow the Holy book and the true teachings of Prophet (SAW). A Muslim can study the Holy book with detail translation for understanding the message of Allah. Hence, one cannot be distracted easily from the path of righteousness. Devote yourself to Allah and his Prophet (SAW) as Islam means to achieve peace, peace within oneself and peace with the creation of Allah.

Better prepare and prevent than repent and repair as Pharaoh’s magicians submitted to God after witnessing the signs showed by Moses (PBUH) with the help of Almighty. In Surah Al- A’raf Chapter 7 Verse 126, “And you do not resent us except because we believed in the signs of our Lord when they came to us. Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You]." Surely, all power belongs to God. May Allah forgive us for our wrongs and put us in the right direction because if Allah is with you, never to worry who is against you. Pray to Allah for his countless bounties of blessings. The more we pray, the more Allah will show us the right direction.

"May Allah make us to visit this place"


  1. Its amazing and consider valid Knowledge about What islam actually is...A tremendous blog...JazakAllah 😍

  2. Seriously there is a lot of things which me really face.. But very knowledgeable things you taught us.. GoOd job buddy.. STAY BLESSED.. JazakAllah 😊👍

  3. Not an ordinary effort either, a few clerical,grammatical and proof reading mistakes need your immediate attention

  4. Just wow amazing blog, you also have great knowledge of islam Masha Allah.

  5. Class..Mn tu phlay ka.mara howa hu hoa..May Allah b with us ...

  6. Allah pk amal ke tofeek ata farmahy .....


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